Saturday, February 28, 2015
Pure Prairie League
On the album “Bustin’ Out” – “The songs are meditative portraits of relationships that aren't running smoothly but are still alive, and they sound autobiographical rather than something contrived to sell records. These tunes are presented with grace and unusual taste, the country guitars and vocal harmonies backed with astonishingly sympathetic string arrangements…” – Richard Foss, All Music
Pure Prairie League
Pure Prairie League’s name comes from a fictional 19th century temperance union featured in the 1939 movie Dodge City starring Errol Flynn.
SWINGTIME featuring The Jive Aces with Special Guests The Tinseltown Jitterbugs
“It is totally different and is one of the reasons we are still together and are going in the same direction — even when it comes down to writing songs and arranging them we get together as a team and come up with something creative instead of having arguments. That is very different to other bands I have seen.” – Ian Clarkson
Pure Prairie League
“I don’t think anybody who puts together or joins a rock ’n’ roll band ever thinks it’s going to last 45 years but it’s just one of those serendipitous things. We had our eye on something and sort of kept to it and it still seems to work this way.” – Mike Reilly
Ana Popovic
“In the male-dominated world of blues, the Serbian born and raised Ana Popovic continues to prove her mettle and might with killer guitar chops and well-crafted songwriting.” –
“Probably my favorite was the very beginning with Randy, Jimmy, Richie and I. That was a great time. I think the impact we had, whether people recognize it or not, that brought about the Eagles and brought about Ricky Nelson coming back into playing music, the whole genre … it really came out of those days at the Troubadour when we hit. We were great, we were really something special.” – Rusty Young
Pure Prairie League
- PPL ’s biggest hits include Fuller’s country rock classic, “Amie,” “Two Lane Highway,” and the musically less-representative pop song, “Let Me Love You Tonight,” composed by Jeff Wilson, Dan Greer and Steve Woodard.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Pure Prairie League
On the album “Bustin’ Out” – “The songs are meditative portraits of relationships that aren't running smoothly but are still alive, and they sound autobiographical rather than something contrived to sell records. These tunes are presented with grace and unusual taste, the country guitars and vocal harmonies backed with astonishingly sympathetic string arrangements…” – Richard Foss, All Music
SWINGTIME featuring The Jive Aces with Special Guests The Tinseltown Jitterbugs
"These professional young musicians came on cold to an early evening audience and were simply sensational. The Jive Aces manage great freshness yet maintain an authentic accurate sound. Full Marks." - The Stage
Mustang Sally Live - Felix Cavaliere's Rascals
Felix Cavaliere’s Rascals ~ Tuesday, March 24! The Lyric Theatre, Stuart, FL
The very soulful Felix Cavaliere and his talented band play at the Water Street Music Hall during Rochester's Lilac Festival, May 15, 2011. That's original Young Rascal's guitarist Gene Cornish stage right.
The very soulful Felix Cavaliere and his talented band play at the Water Street Music Hall during Rochester's Lilac Festival, May 15, 2011. That's original Young Rascal's guitarist Gene Cornish stage right.
- Experience the innocence and desire of the Argentinean Tango, the rambunctious dance of the Moulin Rouge’s femme fatale, the smoky desires that linger in a sultry cabaret boudoir. Featuring gorgeous costuming, an electrifying score and seductive choreography, Cirquesco explores our most treasured emotion…Love.
- Experience the innocence and desire of the Argentinean Tango, the rambunctious dance of the Moulin Rouge’s femme fatale, the smoky desires that linger in a sultry cabaret boudoir. Featuring gorgeous costuming, an electrifying score and seductive choreography, Cirquesco explores our most treasured emotion…Love.
The McCartney Years
- Relive the 1960’s and 70’s this March with The McCartney Years, the foremost McCartney concert experience in the world!
Pure Prairie League
- PPL ’s biggest hits include Fuller’s country rock classic, “Amie,” “Two Lane Highway,” and the musically less-representative pop song, “Let Me Love You Tonight,” composed by Jeff Wilson, Dan Greer and Steve Woodard.
Sauce Boss
- Featured on NPR’s All Things Considered and The Food Network’s Extreme Cuisine, the Sauce Boss is taking on the world one mouth and two ears at a time!
SWINGTIME featuring The Jive Aces with Special Guests The Tinseltown Jitterbugs
- Renowned for their high energy Jump, Jive and Swing music and spectacular stage show, the Britain’s Got Talent stars’ repertoire stretches from the timeless tunes of the swing era to the glitz of the Rat Pack, with a dash of rhythm & blues, swing and jazz.
"I like making people happy. I do a lot of shows for older folks, and they wake up every morning with aches and pains. I'm the fresh air." – Sarge
The Jive Aces - When You're Smilin'
Don't miss SWINGTIME featuring The Jive Aces with Special Guests The Tinseltown Jitterbugs ~ Lyric Theatre March 3rd, 2015! Live at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead Live at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Pure Praire League comes to The Lyric, March 6th, 2015!
Dick Clark interviews Pure Prairie on American Bandstand. Michael Reilly introduces the members of the band and Clark plays with the fact that Reilly and Vince Gill make him look short. Clark asks about the success of their new record, and Reilly says they are working really hard and hoping it will change their lives. They talk about life on the road, and Reilly says they intend to settle down soon and work on more stationary projects. Clark asks them about their future plans for the year and later, asks Reilly about the origin of the name Pure Prairie. License American Bandstand Clips Here:
Swingtime! Featuring The Jive Aces
Don't miss SWINGTIME featuring The Jive Aces with Special Guests The Tinseltown Jitterbugs ~ Lyric Theatre March 3rd, 2015!
Sarge has opened for a number of major artists, including Aretha Franklin, Kansas, The Temptations, and The Beach Boys.
Sarge has opened for a number of major artists, including Aretha Franklin, Kansas, The Temptations, and The Beach Boys.
Pure Prairie League
“I don’t think anybody who puts together or joins a rock ’n’ roll band ever thinks it’s going to last 45 years but it’s just one of those serendipitous things. We had our eye on something and sort of kept to it and it still seems to work this way.” – Mike Reilly
Sauce Boss
“When it comes to the Blues, there are quite a few interesting characters out there; Bill Wharton, whom is really better known as the "Sauce Boss", is one of them. In addition to Bill's amazing talents as a Guitarist, Singer, and Songwriter, he is also a chef, whom is more famously known for his Cajun cuisine, most notably being his Gumbo” – Blues Underground Network
SWINGTIME featuring The Jive Aces with Special Guests The Tinseltown Jitterbugs
“Arguably the finest swing/jive band on the scene today. These six guys are top musicians and brilliant performers. Regularly played by me on BBC Southern Counties, this music will get your feet tapping.” - Lee Stevens - BBC Southern Counties
The Duprees
Most of The Duprees’ first major hits were remakes of early 1950s songs, including “You Belong To Me,” “My Own True Love,” and “Have You Heard.”
Sauce Boss
The Sauce Boss gets his famous gumbo taste with a little help from Liquid Summer Hot Sauce, made with datil peppers. The majority of datil peppers are grown locally here in Florida, specifically in St. Augustine.
Pure Prairie League
- PPL ’s biggest hits include Fuller’s country rock classic, “Amie,” “Two Lane Highway,” and the musically less-representative pop song, “Let Me Love You Tonight,” composed by Jeff Wilson, Dan Greer and Steve Woodard.
Sauce Boss
- Featured on NPR’s All Things Considered and The Food Network’s Extreme Cuisine, the Sauce Boss is taking on the world one mouth and two ears at a time!
SWINGTIME featuring The Jive Aces with Special Guests The Tinseltown Jitterbugs
- Renowned for their high energy Jump, Jive and Swing music and spectacular stage show, the Britain’s Got Talent stars’ repertoire stretches from the timeless tunes of the swing era to the glitz of the Rat Pack, with a dash of rhythm & blues, swing and jazz.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
The Jive Aces I Wanna Be Like You - Britain's Got Talent 2012 audition - International version
Don't miss SWINGTIME featuring The Jive Aces with Special Guests The Tinseltown Jitterbugs ~ Lyric Theatre March 3rd, 2015!
Watch The Jive Aces cheer up a sulky Simon Cowell with their Britain's Got Talent audition to The Jungle Book hit I Wanna Be Like You... See more from Britain's Got Talent here:
Watch The Jive Aces cheer up a sulky Simon Cowell with their Britain's Got Talent audition to The Jungle Book hit I Wanna Be Like You... See more from Britain's Got Talent here:
SWINGTIME featuring The Jive Aces with Special Guests The Tinseltown Jitterbugs
- Renowned for their high energy Jump, Jive and Swing music and spectacular stage show, the Britain’s Got Talent stars’ repertoire stretches from the timeless tunes of the swing era to the glitz of the Rat Pack, with a dash of rhythm & blues, swing and jazz.
Pure Prairie League
“Over a span of 43 years, we’ve had several personnel changes… We’ve had guys in the band like Vince Gill… Gary Burr, who’s a country music hall of famer, we’ve had guys from Kenny Loggins’s band play in our band... They left Kenny Loggins and came [to play with us] for about two, three years. [The band has] been sort of a springboard for a lot of people. Everyone that’s been among the ranks... has brought something individual and unique to the table… [but we’ve had] a lot of different contributors that made up that whole style [of Pure Prairie League].” – Mike Reilly
Sauce Boss
“A great dish is not just a formula of weights and measures. It has got to also have caring, and sharing. “Serving” is more than just giving someone a bowl of gumbo. There is also an element of nurturing, of comforting, and healing.” – Bill Wharton
SWINGTIME featuring The Jive Aces with Special Guests The Tinseltown Jitterbugs
“Like most artists we want to change the world for the better through our art.” – Ian Clarkson
Visions from Cape Breton and Beyond: A Celtic Family Celebration starring Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy
“From the first note to the last chorus, Macmasters and Leahy provided a night of incredible music.” – Edmonds Beacon
Earl Turner’s Box of 45s
“I can say in all honesty that Earl Turner is the best solo performer in Las Vegas.” – Broadway World
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
"For me it's a very live art form and the promise I make is that people coming to my shows will walk out having laughed harder than at just about anything else they've ever seen” – Sarge
The Jive Aces - Nothing's Too Good For My Baby
Don't miss SWINGTIME featuring The Jive Aces with Special Guests The Tinseltown Jitterbugs ~ Lyric Theatre March 3rd, 2015!
The Jive Aces at Twinwood Festival, near Bedford UK.
The Jive Aces at Twinwood Festival, near Bedford UK.
Bill Wharton The Sauce Boss play Lyric in Stuart, March 5, 2015!
Bill Wharton The Sauce Boss Shes a monkey
Bill Wharton The Sauce Boss Shes a monkey This Video was Taken at the River Rasin Ceter Monroe Mi 2-28-09 Video & Edit Rick Arnett
Bill Wharton The Sauce Boss Shes a monkey This Video was Taken at the River Rasin Ceter Monroe Mi 2-28-09 Video & Edit Rick Arnett
Sarge starred as Nathan Detroit in last season's Guys & Dolls in Concert at The Lyric!
- Experience the innocence and desire of the Argentinean Tango, the rambunctious dance of the Moulin Rouge’s femme fatale, the smoky desires that linger in a sultry cabaret boudoir. Featuring gorgeous costuming, an electrifying score and seductive choreography, Cirquesco explores our most treasured emotion…Love.
- Experience the innocence and desire of the Argentinean Tango, the rambunctious dance of the Moulin Rouge’s femme fatale, the smoky desires that linger in a sultry cabaret boudoir. Featuring gorgeous costuming, an electrifying score and seductive choreography, Cirquesco explores our most treasured emotion…Love.
The McCartney Years
- Relive the 1960’s and 70’s this March with The McCartney Years, the foremost McCartney concert experience in the world!
Pure Prairie League
“PPL does what it's always done: they remain true to themselves, creating a sound that doesn't compromise their vision, yet manages to capture the ears of their adoring faithful ‘prairie dog’ fans, as well as a new legion of listeners. If there is a formula to PPL's longevity and success that may very well be it.” -Country Music Online
Pure Prairie League
Original PPL member Craig Fuller went to jail for six months in 1973 for draft evasion. Fuller was eventually granted a full pardon by President Gerald Ford.
SWINGTIME featuring The Jive Aces with Special Guests The Tinseltown Jitterbugs
“People say we’ve got great choreography. But I can’t think of anything we do which we worked out specifically. One of us would do something, the crowd would like it, and we’d remember to do it the next time. The horn duels and the piano moving around started out as just a jam. It just developed and just got nuttier and wilder.” – Ian Clarkson
The Duprees
at The Lyric Theatre Mar 22, 2015 6:00 pm
More than 50 years after the release of their iconic hit “You Belong to Me,” the Duprees are still continuing their legacy as one of the foremost doo-wop groups in American history. Famous for breathing new life into tired old romantic tunes, the Duprees have an unforgettable sound that combines the soulful harmonies of doo-wop with the energy of the big band. Today, the Duprees features vocal legends Tony Testa, Tommy Petillo, Jimmy Spinelli, and Phil Granito.
Founded in the early 1960s in Jersey City, New Jersey, the Duprees were immediately recognized for their vocal precision and innate talent by the owner of Coed Records, George Paxton. With the release of their very first single, a cover of Jo Stafford’s “You Belong to Me,” in 1952, the Duprees hit the top ten on the U.S. music charts. Over the next few years, the Duprees continued to write hits, producing over 40 top sellers by the late 1960s and early 1970s. Some of these hits include “Love Eyes,” “Take Me As I Am,” and “My Own True Love,” which was an adaptation of “Tara’s Theme” from the soundtrack of the film Gone with the Wind.
Today, the Duprees are still bringing their gorgeous doo-wop sound to audiences across the United States. The four-person vocal ensemble features original member and former guitarist Tony Testa as the current leader of the group, the always versatile Tommy Petillo, the suave and professional Jimmy Spinelli, as well as the show-stopping voice of Phil Granito. The Duprees are still dedicated to bringing a new vigor to timeless classics, wooing listeners of all ages with new takes on famous love songs.
Founded in the early 1960s in Jersey City, New Jersey, the Duprees were immediately recognized for their vocal precision and innate talent by the owner of Coed Records, George Paxton. With the release of their very first single, a cover of Jo Stafford’s “You Belong to Me,” in 1952, the Duprees hit the top ten on the U.S. music charts. Over the next few years, the Duprees continued to write hits, producing over 40 top sellers by the late 1960s and early 1970s. Some of these hits include “Love Eyes,” “Take Me As I Am,” and “My Own True Love,” which was an adaptation of “Tara’s Theme” from the soundtrack of the film Gone with the Wind.
Today, the Duprees are still bringing their gorgeous doo-wop sound to audiences across the United States. The four-person vocal ensemble features original member and former guitarist Tony Testa as the current leader of the group, the always versatile Tommy Petillo, the suave and professional Jimmy Spinelli, as well as the show-stopping voice of Phil Granito. The Duprees are still dedicated to bringing a new vigor to timeless classics, wooing listeners of all ages with new takes on famous love songs.
Monday, February 23, 2015
"For me it's a very live art form and the promise I make is that people coming to my shows will walk out having laughed harder than at just about anything else they've ever seen” – Sarge
SWINGTIME featuring The Jive Aces with Special Guests The Tinseltown Jitterbugs
- Renowned for their high energy Jump, Jive and Swing music and spectacular stage show, the Britain’s Got Talent stars’ repertoire stretches from the timeless tunes of the swing era to the glitz of the Rat Pack, with a dash of rhythm & blues, swing and jazz.
The Jive Aces I Wanna Be Like You - Britain's Got Talent 2012 audition - International version
Don't miss SWINGTIME featuring The Jive Aces with Special Guests The Tinseltown Jitterbugs ~ Lyric Theatre March 3rd, 2015!
Watch The Jive Aces cheer up a sulky Simon Cowell with their Britain's Got Talent audition to The Jungle Book hit I Wanna Be Like You... See more from Britain's Got Talent here:
Watch The Jive Aces cheer up a sulky Simon Cowell with their Britain's Got Talent audition to The Jungle Book hit I Wanna Be Like You... See more from Britain's Got Talent here:
The Lyric’s favorite triple threat comedian is back this season for another side-splitting night of comedic gold. With a brand of humor perfect for every audience, Sarge has been compared to the comedian great Don Rickles for their shared fast, improvisational style. Sarge has opened for some of the biggest names in show ...
Sarge starred as Nathan Detroit in last season's Guys & Dolls in Concert at The Lyric!
Savion Glover’s SoLe Sanctuary
- The Lyric welcomes back Savion Glover, a Tony-winning hoofer, choreographer and producer. His numerous credits include the Broadway shows The Tap Dance Kid; Black and Blue; Jelly's Last Jam; and Bring in 'da Noise, Bring in 'da Funk!
Sauce Boss
“For anyone seeing Bill Wharton for the first time, his show was an overwhelming event. Wharton preached his "gospel of gumbo, assembled his culinary creation and continually urged the audience (especially the women) to help him out by stirring the pot until the gumbo was ready to eat. When he added his burning slide guitar to the mix, everyone got a show that they could see, hear, smell, touch and taste” – Dave Piltz, Blues on Stage
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